2013 Intensive Lectures
特別講義 AI
Introduction to lattice fields theories and some applications to lattice QCD
Oct.8(Tue) 10:30~14:30 / 14:40~16:10(Seminar at H717)
Oct.9(Wed) 10:30~14:30
To learn techniques for numerical simulations in lattice QCD.
Gauge configuration generations(Heat bath and Hybrid Monte-Carlo), Quark propagator,
Numerical techniques, Nuclear force.
-- Path integral and statistical mechanics
Part 1. Introduction to lattice field theories
1. Introduction and preparation
2. Continuum limit in lattice field theories
3. Renormalization group and continuum limit
4. Pure gauge theories on the lattice
5. Lattice fermions
6. Domain-wall fermions
7. Ginsparg-Wilson relation and chiral symmetry
Part 2. Numerical simulations
8. Path integral formula
9. Generation of gauge field (Heat-bath)
10. Generation of gauge field (Hybrid Monte-Carlo)
11. Quark propagator
12. Extraction of hadron masses
13: Fits
14. Quark mass dependences
15. Continuum extrapolation
16. Some results: Nuclear force and others.
(日本語:青木 慎也「格子上の場の理論」丸善出版)
特別講義 AII
Dec.3(Tue) 10:30~14:30 / 15:30~(Seminar at H711)
Dec.4(Wed) 10:30~14:30
2012年度 集中講義