
Date発表者紹介文献 など
5/8(木)高橋氏R. Fardon, A.E. Nelson and N. Weiner, "Dark Energy from Mass Varying Neutrinos", JCAP 0410 (2004) 005,[astro-ph/0309800].
R. Fardon, A.E. Nelson and N. Weiner, "Supersymmetric Theories of Neutrino Dark Energy", JHEP 0603 (2006) 042, [hep-ph/0507235].
5/14(水)東島氏Wei Li, Wei Song and Andrew Strominger, "Chiral Gravity in Three Dimensions", [hep-th/0801.4566]
5/22(木)細谷氏"Top & bottom quarks v.s. gauge-Higgs unification scenario"
5/29(木)堀田氏Hari K. Kunduri, James Lucietti and Harvey S. Reall, "Near-horizon symmetries of extremal black holes", [arXiv:0705.4214 (hep-th)], Class.Quant.Grav.24:4169-4190,2007
6/12(木)津田氏B. Eynard, "topological expansion for the 1-hermitian matrix model correlation functions."
6/19(木)百武氏O. Aharony, O. Bergman, D.L. Jafferis and J. Maldacena, "N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons-matter theories, M2-branes and theirgravity duals", [arXiv:0806.1218 (hep-th)].
6/26(木)石井氏David E. Berenstein, Masanori Hanada and Sean A.Hartnoll, "Multi-matrix models and emergent geometry", [arXiv:0805.4658 (hep-th)].
7/3(木)椎田氏Hong-Jian He, Yu-Ping kuang and Xiaoyuan Li, "Further investigation on the precise formulation of the equivalence theorem", Phys.Rev. D49 (1994) 4842.
7/10(木)野間氏J. Bagger and N. Lambert ,"Three-Algebras and N=6 Chern-Simons Gauge Theories", [arXiv:0807.0163 (hep-th)].
7/17(木)島崎氏J. Gomis and S. Matsuura ,"Bubbling Surface Operators And S-Duality", [arXiv:0704.1657 (hep-th)].
7/24(木)小林氏C.S.Lim, T. Nagasawa, M. Sakamoto and H. Sonoda ,"Supersymmetry in gauge theories with extra dimensions", [arXiv:0502022 (hep-th)].
7/31(木)小出氏Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata, PTP 28, 870 (June 25,1962) Katayama-Matumoto-Tanaka-Yamada, PTP 28, 675 (June 5, 1962)
10/14(火)仲井氏S. Imai and N. Sasakura ,"Scalar field theories in a Lorentz-invariant three-dimensional noncommutative space-time", [hep-th/0005178]
10/21(火)加納氏D. Notzold and G. Raffelt ,"Neutrino dispersion at finite temperature and density", Nucl.Phys.B307 (1988) 924.
10/28(火)波場氏F. del Aguila, J. de Blas and M. Perez-Victoria, "Effects of new leptons in Electroweak Precision Data", [arXiv:0803.4008 (hep-ph)]
11/11(火)Hoque氏Jan Ambjorn, Y.M. Makeenko, J. Nishimura and R.J. Szabo, "Finite N matrix models of noncommutative gauge theory", [hep-th/9911041], JHEP 9911 (1999) 029
11/18(火)窪田氏 G.L. Cardoso, B. de Wit and S. Mahapatra, "Subleading and non-holomorphic corrections to N=2 BPS black hole entropy", [arXiv:0808.2627 (hep-th)]
12/2(火)西中 | M. Cheng and E. Verlinde, "Wall Crossing, Discrete Attractor Flow and Borcherds Algebra", [arXiv:0806.2337 (hep-th)]
12/9(火)野田氏 Quantum Zeno Effect
12/16(火)尾田氏 Y. Kats and P. Petrov, "Effect of curvature squared corrections in AdS on the viscosity of the dual gauge theory" [arXiv:0712.0743 (hep-th)], JHEP 0901 (2009) 044
M. Brigante, H. Liu, R.C. Myers, S. Shenker and S. Yaida, " The Viscosity Bound and Causality Violation", [arXiv:0802.3318 (hep-th)], Phys.Rev.Lett.100 (2008) 191601
1/20(火)高杉氏 H. Kamikado, T. Shindou and E. Takasugi, "Froggatt-Nielsen hierarchy and the neutrino mass matrix", [0805.1338 (hep-ph)]
1/27(火)田中氏 UTfit Collaboration (M. Bona et al.), "First Evidence of New Physics in b <---> s Transitions", [arXiv:0803.0659 (hep-ph)]
2/3(火)谷田氏 Chong-Sun Chu and Douglas J. Smith, "Towards the Quantum Geometry of the M5-brane in a Constant C-Field from Multiple Membranes", [0901.1847 (hep-th)]
2/10(火)植草氏 S. Bauman and K.R. Dienes, "New Regulators for Quantum Field Theories with Compactified Extra Dimensions. I: Fundamentals", [0712.3532 (hep-th)]
S. Bauman and K.R. Dienes, "New Regulators for Quantum Field Theories with Compactified Extra Dimensions. II: Ultraviolet Finiteness and Effective Field Theory", [0801.4110 (hep-th)]
